
Spurtans! in the Spotlight: Their Work, growth, and Impact

Spurtans! in the Spotlight: Their Work, growth, and Impact

At Spurt!, having a team that can adapt and excel in a dynamic environment is crucial. Luckily, we have a team of talented individuals who bring diverse skills and experiences to the table. 

We prioritize investing in our employees, and Opeyemi and Toyin are two examples of this.

They began as interns but quickly caught our attention with their exceptional work ethic and dedication to learning. 

Opeyemi now serves as a Product Support Analyst, utilizing her problem-solving and customer service skills to navigate complex technical issues.

Toyin has transitioned into the role of a Product Management Analyst, where her attention to detail and strategic thinking have made her an indispensable member of our team.

Both individuals are integral members of our team, and their success is a testament to our commitment to growth and development. 

To learn more about their experiences at Spurt!, we sat down with Opeyemi and Toyin for a chat.



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  1. Can you tell us a little bit about your role at Spurt! and what you do?

Toyin : I work as a Product Management Analyst and I do some product support work too. I basically direct how we build our product with data and user feedback. On the support side, I test and create customer support content.

Opeyemi: I work at Spurt! as a Product Support Analyst. As a product support analyst, it is my job to ensure our customers' satisfaction and that they have a seamless experience with our brands and products.

2. What inspired you to apply for a job at Spurt!?

Toyin: I announced myself on a group I joined, and my boss found me. It was really interesting that she wanted to give me a chance even when I was someone without experience. The recruitment process was rigorous. I figured I liked challenges and I continued with the recruitment process.

Opeyemi: It was during my NYSC. I saw a tweet that there was an internship opening for NYSC corps members and honestly i’m so glad that i applied and got the job. After my internship, I got retained and promoted to an analyst position.

3. Can you tell us about a time when you faced a challenge in your role and how you overcame it?

Toyin: I have faced a couple of challenges at work, but the very one time would be when I sensed that I was being moved to the product team from the growth team. I over came it by taking a product course and speaking to my boss about my fears.

Opeyemi: A challenge I faced was when i transitioned from my role as a growth analyst to a product support analyst. Product/customer support was a new territory for me and I had difficulties settling into my new role. However, with the help of Kristin and my teammates, Ndi and Toyin, I was able to find my way and figure things out.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about the company culture at Spurt! and how it has impacted your experience working here?

Toyin: Spurt! Company culture is quite rigorous. We have to read and summarize an article daily. That has really expanded my knowledge base. We do daily scrum updates too. I personally feel like I'm being watched so my daily scrum is a very good way to hold myself accountable. Team bonding events are great. Then there's the personal development where I get to explore, learn and better myself in my role at Spurt! as well as other roles under my role. Product management is an umbrella of roles.

Opeyemi: The culture at Spurt! is quite different from a lot of companies. As a remote company, a lot of things have been set in place to encourage team collaboration, rather than working in silos. My experience with our team culture has taught me to take accountability and pride in my work. I have also learnt how to work better in teams.

5. Can you describe your experience with our company's recruitment process?

Toyin: The recruitment process, like I said earlier was rigorous. I cried. One little secret is, I kinda abandoned it, till someone reached out to me to complete it. I'm grateful for that person. You'd have to submit your CV, go through an interview, do a couple of take home assignments. I had to do three. Then you'd attend an onboarding session, the recruitment process is finalized with a trial week. It is really a trial.

Opeyemi: For me, it was seamless. I was given an assessment to do, after which I had my interview and I got accepted.

6. How would you describe our company culture based on your experience so far?

Toyin: I think it's thorough. However, I promise that if you take it seriously, follow all processes, etc.  you are actually developing yourself. Although, we can skip the part where we use Trello and have to attach the link in our task updates.

Opeyemi: One word: growth. The company culture has definitely improved from what it used to be a year ago. It can also be intense at times with the several processes we have to go through: The daily article summaries and scrums, weekly task updates, weekly meetings, OKRs, leaderboard score. However, with time, you get used to them.

7. What are some of the things you appreciate about working at Spurt!?

Toyin: I like that it's remote. I like that you can ask anyone for anything. I really like that one because I want to be able to feel free enough to ask any question. No matter how stupid. Although I ask Google first l, but when I still don't understand I can ask any, I mean any of my teammates.

Opeyemi: It’s the growth for me. There’s no way you’ll work at Spurt! and you won’t grow both personally and professionally. I also love that it’s fully remote. I also love the autonomy we are given. I have been able to explore, experiment, make mistakes and learn from these experiences. I also love working with my teammates. Everyone is so dedicated, supportive and always willing to help.

I really appreciate my growth. It's a loop of learning. It never stops. I have been able to develop myself a lot under Spurt! I think Spurt gave me a reason to develop myself. Even if it's just for personal development reports, I am still developing myself.

8. Have you had any opportunities for growth and development at Spurt!? If so, can you describe them?

Toyin: I have. A whole lot of opportunities.

I know how to use Canva now. I even teach people how to use it.

My PowerPoint presentations are way better.

I definitely have acquired; strategy, planning and documentation skills. That's literally our logo at Spurt!

I have Community management skills too. I woke up one morning and saw it on my OKR, after the interns casually suggested it. So yeah! I built a community and managed it. I even get community management offers.

I didn't like public speaking, but when I saw myself as the speaker and host of some of our workshops, twitter spaces and events, I learnt it.

Proactivity and ownership, I definitely learnt that at Spurt! 

As well as some technical/hard skills I learnt in the name of my personal development.

Opeyemi: Yes. I used to work with the growth team at Spurt!  and at the beginning of this year, I expressed my interest in customer support. I was given the opportunity to transition into a different role. I was also provided with enough support to excel in  my new role.

Since I started working at Spurt!, I have been able to improve my communications skills. I used to be really shy and now I speak confidently with both clients and consultants. My research and writing skills have also gotten significantly better.

9. What do you think sets our company apart from other companies you've worked for?

Toyin: Spurt! is invested in your professional growth. That's what sets them apart from the other company I worked for.

Opeyemi: Spurt! is the only company i’ve worked for.

10. Would you recommend our company as a good place to work to your friends or colleagues?

Toyin: It depends on what they are looking for in a workplace. If they want growth. Fast and intense growth, I would recommend it.

Opeyemi: Yes, definitely!